Why is it so hard to wish for a call?

Rina Zhubi
2 min readJun 18, 2023
Stephen Ellis via Unsplash

You were not a hugger,

but I crave your hug right now.

You were not a sugarcoatter,

but I miss your sweet voice right now.

I may not have called you every day,

but I wish to hear your voice right now.

I wish I could call you,

tell you all the fun I had,

I wish I could call you,

hear all about your day.

But I can’t, and

it hurts more than

all the pain I endured in life,


I wish I could tell you,

you are still young at 60,

I wish I could tell you,

You are still beautiful at 60,

I wish I could tell you,

wrinkles look good on you.

I wish I could see you

blow an army of candles,

I wish I could see you

hug your nieces tightly,

I wish I could congratulate you

with colorful flowers,

but here I am

white flowers in my hand,

tears in my eyes,


a burning pain in my soul,


your next birthday,

will be a lighter stone for my heart.

I can’t tell you I love you, or

I miss you so much,

but I can

pray for your soul,

hold dear to the memories we made,

and be happy about the fun we had.

Your memory is an open tab in my mind,

running in the background 24/7,

from the day you left,

until the day I meet you again.

Mama, I love you,

Till my final breath in this world,

And then, even more,

when I am next to you.

Happy birthday mom!

